Schedule at a glance

The Saree Festival: The endless swirl of beauty

May 2-4, 2014 at Alliance Francaise De Delhi




Category Event Date and Time Venue
Saree Mela Saree Mela: An exhibition and sale of diverse Saree collections Fri 2 May, Sat 3, Sun 4 May 2014, 11 am to 8 pm daily; (Credit cards accepted) Alliance Francaise De Delhi (AFD) Gallery
Saree ka Gunijan KhanaDay 1 Love Saree: Notes from my love affair with the drape; a panel featuring David Abraham, Geeta Chandran, Laila Tyabji, Rajeev Tandon, Rita Soni & Tritha Sinha Sat 3 May, 9.30 am-11.30 am AFD Auditorium
Roopvati Padmini: A story by Noor Zaheer Sat 3 May, 11.45 am-12 Noon AFD Auditorium
Music on the Saree; In collaboration with Art Collide Sat 3 May, 12 Noon-12.30 pm AFD Auditorium
The Saree as a visual device in Ravi Varma’s paintings; a talk by Rupika Chawla Sat 3 May, 12.30 pm-1 pm AFD Auditorium
Saree ka Gunijan KhanaDay 2 Film Screening: ‘Gangoobai’(Dir: Priya Krishnaswamy); discussed by the director, and Ashdeen Lilaowala Sun 4 May, 9.30am – 12noon AFD Auditorium
The Design of the Saree Unravelled; a talk by Anisha Shekhar Mukherjee Sun 4 May, 12 Noon-12.30 pm AFD Auditorium
Bags for The Saree Lady: Work, Play & Celebration; a talk by Aditi Prakash Sun 4 May, 12.30 pm-1pm AFD Auditorium
  • All events are open to all on a first come first served basis.
  • Kindly switch off mobile phones before entering event venues.
  • Photography and audio/video recording not permitted.
  • Contact 91-11-41671100 /


Venue Addresses

  1. Alliance Francaise de Delhi; 72 Lodhi Estate, New Delhi, 110003 (Festival dates: 2 – 4 May 2014)
  1. Genda Mahal, F 342 A, Second Floor, Behind Crescent Mall, Lado Sarai, New Delhi 110030 (For previews, by appointment)